At Mundo Talent, you can earn between $6 and $20 per hour for either part-time or full-time work.
The compensation you will receive when collaborating with a Mundo Talent client will depend on the type of work, your skill level, your experience, and what the client is willing to pay.
Each job posting includes a rate range at the end of the posting, which will give you a clear idea of your potential earnings if you are selected. The final rate will be set by the Mundo Talent team, considering your experience and knowledge. Virtual Assistants and Virtual Professionals with specialized training and a longer track record in the field have the possibility of obtaining higher compensation for their skills.
It is important to note that the initial rate will not necessarily remain constant throughout the employment relationship. Some clients offer bonuses or commissions for exceptional performance, and may even promote their virtual assistants or increase their salary. This varies depending on each situation.
Note: All rates are set by the Virtual Latinos team and are not subject to negotiation with clients.